Education Development

About Me
Making More Of Myself

About a year ago, I started investing more and more time into my education. I realized that I was really stuck in a dead-end job, and I knew that I had to do something about it or risk being bored for the rest of my life. I started thinking more carefully about going back to school, and it was really incredible to see the difference that a little education could make. Within a few months I was enrolled, and I was feeling better about myself and my choices. This blog is all about making more of yourself and knowing how to streamline your future.


Sensory Processing Disorder And School Success

9 July 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Sensory processing disorder (or SPD) is a condition in which the brain has difficulty organizing information that the senses are bringing in. There isn't just one type of SPD, and different children don't always experience the same symptoms. Some people with this disorder are oversensitive. Something that you might not even notice, such as a tag on the back of a t-shirt, may be a major issue for someone with SPD. Read More …

3 Things To Consider When Sending Snacks To Your Child’s Preschool

25 June 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Some preschools ask that parents send in snacks for the students on a rotating basis. In others, parents may be allowed to send in treats for their kids' birthdays, holidays, or any other purpose. If you are thinking about sending snacks for the kids in your child's preschool, you'll want to ask for permission first. Then, consider these three things when choosing a snack for best results: 1. Allergies First of all, you should think about the allergies that the kids in the class might suffer from. Read More …

Looking At Preschools For The First Time? Know What’s Important

12 June 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

If you are looking at different preschool options for your child but you aren't sure which schools in the area will be the best, you want to make sure that you are picking a school that will be the safest. You have to leave your child in the hands of another person, and you want to be sure that while they are there, they are learning, having fun, and being protected at the same time. Read More …

Parenting A Child With Special Needs: 3 Ways To Be Your Child’s Best Advocate In Middle School

29 May 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

The early years of your child's education may have had a few road bumps, but things pretty much always worked out. Now that middle school has hit, you have discovered that things are a completely different story. Unfortunately, the combination of high stakes testing, a new environment, and teacher expectations all change your child's current educational plan. As you set out to navigate the uncharted waters of junior high, use these tips to brush up on your advocacy skills and ensure your child gets the education that they deserve. Read More …

Steps To Becoming A Private Pilot

20 June 2016
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Once you have your aviation license, there are a number of different career paths that you can take in the field. One of these career paths is becoming a private pilot. If you are interested in being on call to fly private planes around the world and controlling your own career, there are some steps that you should take before and after flight training. Here are some steps you should take to develop your career as a pilot of private planes. Read More …