Diagnosed With ADHD? How An ADHD Coach Can Help You Navigate The Journey

About Me
Making More Of Myself

About a year ago, I started investing more and more time into my education. I realized that I was really stuck in a dead-end job, and I knew that I had to do something about it or risk being bored for the rest of my life. I started thinking more carefully about going back to school, and it was really incredible to see the difference that a little education could make. Within a few months I was enrolled, and I was feeling better about myself and my choices. This blog is all about making more of yourself and knowing how to streamline your future.


Diagnosed With ADHD? How An ADHD Coach Can Help You Navigate The Journey

9 December 2022
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

If you have been diagnosed with ADHD, you are probably working with your doctor to determine the best medications or treatment for your condition, which is important. However, it is also a good idea to work with an ADHD coach as you navigate this uncertain journey. An ADHD coach will help you learn life skills to help you overcome some of the challenges ADHD can bring.

Beyond cognitive behavior therapy 

If you are being treated for ADHD, you are likely engaged in cognitive behavior therapy with a counselor who centers on learning to control your thoughts and emotions. An ADHD coach goes a bit further by helping you find practical ways to put action behind the positive behaviors you are learning. For instance, you may learn problem-solving techniques and organizing skills to help you reach the life goals you set.

One-on-one or group ADHD coaching

You will have the option to select the type of ADHD coaching that works best for you and your needs. Coaches will work individually with you either online or in person but group sessions may also be available for those who enjoy interacting with other people. Many coaches will offer a combination of one-on-one sessions and group meetings.


One of the things often lacking in ADHD treatment is accountability. ADHD coaches are accountability partners who will help you stay on course with changes you need to make. Knowing someone is expecting you to follow through with the goals you set can mean the difference between breaking unhealthy habits or remaining stuck in destructive behavior patterns.

Build confidence and self-esteem

It is not uncommon for sufferers of ADHD to struggle with feeling inadequate or having low self-esteem caused by the inability to complete tasks or reach goals. An ADHD coach will help you build confidence by working with you to create a plan, stay motivated, and follow through to reach your goals, which in turn can boost your confidence. You will also learn organizing skills to help you plan projects.

Having an ADHD coach by your side can help you learn the skills necessary to help you maintain a full and productive life at school, work, and at home. You will learn ways to help you stay focused on the tasks at hand by setting goals and becoming more organized. You will also learn how to improve your relationships with friends and family to help you live the best life possible.

To find out more, contact a company like ADD Action Coach Inc.